F2F Class Notes (Tanya)


to commute – to go back and forth from where you live to work/school

e.g. I commute about half an hour every day.

diet – what you eat

e.g. I’m trying to lose weight so I’m watching my diet.

carbs – carbohydrates

e.g. There’s a lot of carbs in bread, potatoes and rice.

计划赶不上变化 – “the schedule can’t keep up with the changes”

it’s raining cats and dogs – it’s raining very hard

schedule – 计划 plans

e.g. What does your schedule for tonight look like? I start work at 6pm.

to transfer (subway) – to change lines

e.g. I always have to transfer to line 2 at Jing’an Temple.

long-distance relationship – when the two people in the relationship are very far away from each other

e.g. My friend lives in Germany and his girlfriend lives in the US. They’re in a long-distance relationship.

vegan – someone who doesn’t eat anything that was produced by animals

e.g. Vegans can’t eat milk, eggs or meat

vegetarian – someone who doesn’t eat animal meat


street – straight




Make sentences with all of the new vocabulary words.