F2F Class Notes (Tanya)


because of work reasons – due to work reasons

Did you choose your name?

How long have you lived in China

Dutch – the language they speak in the North of Belgium and in the Netherlands (Holland, 荷兰)

e.g. Tanya speaks dutch with a lot of her friends.

girly – like a girl

e.g. Prince and I are both not very girly.

The majority – 大部分

to have to do with – 有关系

controlling (adj) – to like to control things

e.g. Some moms are very controlling.

independent – to not have to count on other people

e.g. I’ve become very independent after living by myself for so long.



to take care of something of someone

e.g. Tony takes very good care of me

to work at a place

e.g. She doesn’t work at the company anymore.