F2F Class Notes (Tanya)


jetlag – when you’re tired because you were on a flight for very long (usually has to do with time difference)

e.g. Jay had jetlag when he flew from China to Europe.

e.g. To have jetlag is to be tired because of time difference.

snooze button – the button you press on your alarm to make it stop ringing

e.g. I pressed the snooze button on my alarm clock and then of course fifteen minutes later, it rang again. This time I had to get up.

dutch – adjective for the Netherlands. If something is from the Netherlands, it’s dutch

e.g. Heineken is a dutch beer.

relatives – people who are related to you, family

e.g. For Chinese New Year, Jay is going to visit his relatives.

Hoegaarden, Stella Artois and Duvel are all Belgian beers.


Write three pages about your trip to Thailand