F2F Class Notes (Tanya)


to achieve – to “get” an achievement, a good thing


to gain or to lose weight – to increase or decrease your weight

e.g. Whenever (every time) Angela finished a box of Royce chocolates, she gains half a kilogram.

campus – the buildings of a college or university and the land that surrounds them

e.g. A lot of students in China live in the dorms on campus.

dorms – dormitories, on campus housing

e.g. Most universities in China have dormitories.

scholarship – 奖学金 money that you get to attend school

overrated – when people think something is better than it really is

e.g. I think the Cars movies are overrated.

messy – not orderly

e.g. My previous roommate was quite messy.

tuition – 学费 what you have to pay to go to school

e.g. Tuition in European universities is much lower than in American universities.

orderly – well arranged or well organised

e.g. I’m pretty orderly: I like to keep my things where they belong.


e.g. Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French and German.

Dutch – è·å…°è¯­, a language spoken by Belgians and Dutch people (people from the Netherlands or Holland)

Holland – the Netherlands

border – where two countries meet

to border

e.g. Belgium borders the Netherlands, France, Germany and Luxembourg.

Speaking exercise


I graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Jiaotong has branch in Xujiahui. Living on campus, friendship is the most important thing for us. We lived together in the dorms and learned together every day. When I was in university, my boyfriend was in Beijing, so I was lonely. Every day, we called. So, after one year, we separated. I studied financial management, but I don’t like the subject. So, after graduating, I gave up my major. I went to a famous Japanese company, I worked at a famous Japanese company as administration assistant. After one year, my manager gave me a new work. It was a challenge for me to work at HR. Before that, I didn’t know everything. I really appreciate for my manager, she taught me a lot.



Try to correct the mistakes from the speaking exercise.