F2F Class Notes (Stephanie)

Needs more review

confucious – [cun fyoo shiss]

Speaking exercise

I want to speak my opinion about babies. Many young people don’t want to have babies. The government is encouraging them to have babies. Because now young people in China is more less than past. Young people can’t afford to feed the babies. How do women balance family and career? My colleague finish 6pm but the school finish 4 pm. The grandparents prefer to live in country than in the city. No one is looking after the babies for them. The kid has to go to after school care. Another colleague hire a nanny to take care of the kid. A college student can get a job as a babysitter in the U.S. But in China, we don’t have the students to do that. The China government release news to tell the public don’t take lessons outside school. I’m not worried because I have no babies. The news already reduce parents costs. I think a good way, the parents can save some money and they can have more money for the second or the third baby. By the way, in the future, the rich family can hire a teacher to teach their kids in their home. In that case, the poor family can’t afford the same. So I think it’s not fair for poor family. The child from the rich family can get a high college education, but the child from the poor family cannot get this.

I want to share my opinions about babies. Many young people don’t want to have babies. The government encourages them to have babies due to the fact that now we have less young people in China than before. Young people can’t afford to have babies. How do women balance between family and career? My colleague finishes at 6pm but the school finishes at 4 pm. The grandparents prefer to live in the suburbs rather than to live in the city. No one is looking after the babies for them. The kid has to go to a day-care center. Another colleague hires a nanny to take care of the kid. A college student can get a job as a babysitter in the U.S. But in China, we don’t have the students to do that. The Chinese government releases news to inform the public don’t take lessons outside of school. I’m not worried because I have no babies. The news already reduces the costs for parents. I think in a good way, the parents can save some money and they can have more money for the second or the third baby. By the way, in the future, the rich family can hire a teacher to tutor the kids at home. In that case, the poor family can’t afford the same. So I don’t think it is fair to the poor family. The child from the rich family can get a high quality education, but the child from the poor family cannot afford the same.


small /smol/

feed / fi:d /

adult /əˈdəlt/

career /kəˈrir/

diet /dai ə t/


commitment:the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity etc

million : 百万

nanny : babysitter

extracurricular : (of an activity at a school or college) pursued in addition to the normal course of study

cost : (of an object or action) require the payment of (a specified sum of money) before it can be acquired or done

afford :have enough money to pay for


take… into consideration

twice one a week

best young  youngest

Next Class Focus

third-person singular verb endings in English

review the pronunciation