F2F Class Notes (Sonia)[S]

Writing exercise

Describe what your job requires you to do, and if there are things that you would like to improve.


make your subject clear 

e.g she was so polite THAT SHE never said a bad thing to anyway

Speaking exercise

in the 1940s Korea and China arewere cooperateding for a struggle againstto Japan. So the relationship with each other was  very close  and China tried to help the independence of Korea from  Japan’s colonisation. ButHOWEVER, after the victory of WW2, Korea was separated by Russia and America, the PRC and ORC party in China supported Russia and America for each other. So China couldn’t supported Korea as an entirety. Therefore, Korea couldn’t avoid to being separateD into two countries and China lost its impact on the Korean peninsula.

“the PRC and ROC party in China supported Russia and America for each other”

The PRC party in China supported Russia, but/whilst the ROC supported America. <(make it clear they are opposing sides by putting on either side of the comma)


more advanced Conjunctions:
And: in addition to, furthermore
But: however, whilst
So: Therefore

Colony(n) : the place that has been taken over.
E.g.: Korea was a Japanese colony

Colonize(v): to take over another country.
E.g.: Japan colonized Korea

Colonization(n): the act of taking over another country
E.g.: Korea was affected by Japan’s colonization

Colonizer(n): the people/country who are taking over another
E.g.: Japan was the colonizer of Korea.