F2F Class Notes (Sonia)[R]


A video of a starving and emaciated polar bear collapsing in Canada’s wilderness has gone viral on the Internet. The video shows the bear in search of food, wandering across land with no snow or ice. The creature is all skin and bones and is seen foraging for food in rusty waste containers. It is at times too weak to support its own body weight and has difficulty standing. Paul Nicklen, the photographer who took the video footage, stated the polar bear’s plight was a clear sign of the devastating impact of climate change. He said filming the animal had been heart-wrenching. He explained his team were, “pushing through their tears and emotions while documenting this dying polar bear”.

Mr Nicklen is part of the environmental group Sea Legacy. His team was on Canada’s Baffin Island to shoot a documentary on conservation. He said the bear they filmed was not old and probably died within hours. He said: “This is what starvation looks like. The muscles atrophy. No energy. It’s a slow, painful death.” He blamed the bear’s sad plight on global warming. He said: “As temperatures rise and sea ice melts, polar bears lose access to the main staple of their diets – seals.” Climate change is the biggest threat to the world’s 26,000 polar bears. The video explains that bears are, “starving, and running out of energy” and are “forced to wander into human settlements for any source of food.”


overcast(adj): with clouds in the sky and therefore not bright and sunny

The sky/weather was overcast.

emaciated(adj): very thin and weak, usually because of illness or extreme hunger

e.g the emaciated polar bear reminds me of my grandfather’s condition.

wandering (v): to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction

e.g When I am on holiday i prefer to wander around rather than be guided

e.g The child lost its mother and was wandering around alone crying

wonder(v):to ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something, or surprised about something

e.g I wonder(v) what I am going to eat tonight? (thinking)

e.g its a wonder(n) that I did not get sick this winter (surprised/amazing)

e.g the beautiful landscape filled them with wonder(n)

forage(v): to search for things that you can eat or use (forager(n) is the person/animal who is searching)

e.g  refugees are foraging in some LEDCs (war torn countries, poverty-stricken)

plight(n): a difficult, sad and serious situation/condition

e.g How could you put me in this plight?

e.g  my plight was hard to see

 devastating(adj): causes great suffering, pain and sadness

e.g the tsunami had devastating affects on the city

e.g human beings have devastated a lot of the environment

heart-wrenching (adj): heart is being pulled at, very sad and emotional

e.g my ex-boyfriend was heart wrenching for me

conservation(n): the protection of plants and animals, natural areas, and interesting andimportant structures and buildings, especially from the damaging effects of human activity

wildlife conservation

e.g we always talk about the the conservation of energy sources e.g coal/gas/oil reserves

 staple(n): a main/regular part of something

seals are a staple in polar bear’s diets

A scarf is a staple in my winter wardrobe.

wine is a staple in my life


wilderness: wɪl.də.nəs