F2F Class Notes (Sonia)


how often? (time) what do you often…(verb)?


e.g Everyday I always have an egg for breakfast

normally/usually (Pronunciation U JA LI)

I normally drink Americano but today I drank latte


e.g I often watch TV but last watch TV last Thursday

CORRECTION: I often watch TV but the last time I watched TV was Thursday


e.g I sometimes go to the pub when I felt alone or sad, I will go to pub with my friends

correction: Sometimes when I feel lonely or sad, I will go to the pub with my friends.


e.g I rarely smoke but once I smoked after drinking


e.g I never travel alone

Tipsy: drinking but not drunk (feeling good)

social smoker: only sometimes such as when drinking or with friends

cigarette: yen

uncomfortable(adj): bu shu fu

appearance: the way they look

e.g I am uncomfortable with my friend’s appearance when they are drunk.

flush(n): when you are hot/drunk / embarrassed  and your face goes red

flush(v): e.g to flush the toilet

embarrassed: hai xiu

e.g Normally when I am embarrassed, I get flushed, but I always can’t look them in the eye

Thrice/ three times

cocktail: jiweijiu

e.g I usually like to drink a cocktail, like a Long Island

red wine: hong jiu

e.g I often like to drink red wine