F2F Class Notes (Sonia)


practice speaking to yourself L words and N words, and (acid-eyesight-I said)


Mainly (MAKE THE L SOUND CLEARER) make sure it doesn’t sound like N


TH try to pronounce clearer by moving tongue forward

microscope: MY-KROW-SKO-P

mechanically: MEH-KA-NE-K-LI

Press your tongue to roof of your mouth for N and move it forward for L

Found not Fornd (Open mouth wider for OU so it doesn’t sound like OR)

eliminate: EH-LI-MI-NAY-T

accumulation: AK-KYU-MUH-LAY-SH-UN

mic.=MAIK mik=MIHK mike=MAIK mice= MAISS

Metabolism= metAbolisM

acid=AHH SID, eyesight: AII SAI T, I said: AI SEH D

lipase: LAI PAY Z

record: collect information

e.g I mainly record by using a microscope


abbreviationn: shortened word, etc, asap

contact lenses: the lenses that go in your eyes to help you see

plaque: 匾牌

atherosclerosis: a formof arteriosclerosis (=hardening of the arteries) that is caused by a fatty substance building up inside the arteries

Speaking exercise

What are you working on now?

In my current project I’m working on the role of snx10 in atherosclerosis, AS is the short term of it. AS is an inflammatory disease that IS related to A lipid metabolism disorder. We found that snx10 deficiency can eliminate the progress of plaque. We also found that the lipid accumulation was reduced in snx10 knockout mice. Lysosome acid lipase (the short term is LAL) can explain the role of snx10, As we found snx10 deficiency can decrease the intercellular ph.

**not much grammar issues main problem is pronunciation, especially with very long compound words need to speak slower.