F2F Class Notes (Sonia)

Needs more review

I never see the head lice because everyone wash our hair, maybe once a week everyone. All the insects are creepy-crawly to me. The cat in wild always has flea. Bedbug is horrible they can bite you and you can’t defeat them.


Wild= WAI -ELD (open mouth wide)

bite= BAI-T

Actually= AK TYU-AH-LI (say the first part)

Obviously= OH-(B)-VEE-OS-LI (say the OH loudest)

healthy= HELL-TH-EE

i’m= (pronounce m more)


I have never seen..

I have, he has, we have, they have, you have (possessive)

I  wash my hair/she washes her hair, we wash our hair, they wash their hair

everyone washes their hair (don’t forget to add S after plural words)

at least not maybe

don’t forget to add conjunction

e.g Bedbugs are horrible because …


At least: zhi shao


e.g If a shop gives me cardboard on my coffee cup, I refuse because the can be recycled

biodegradable(adj): can be digested(break down)

opposite word: non-biodegradable

e.g we should have more biodegradable materials to protect our planet

takeout:wai mai

e.g I’m not good at cooking so I order takeout every weekend. Even though it’s not healthy.

takeaway: da bao


you:Please can I have a hamburger.

waiter: Eat in or takeaway?

you: Takeaway please




Scientists made a breathalyzer to test for malaria. It could find the disease faster than other methods and help millions. People with malaria have a special “breath print”. The breathalyzer finds chemicals in the breath print. One of the odours the device finds is the same as a smell that attracts malaria-spreading insects. The device is still being developed. The researchers say it could be a new, cheap and easy way to help diagnose malaria.

next lesson: reread the text and look at new vocabulary in bold.