F2F Class Notes (Sonia)

Needs more review

*practiced pronunciation

In my current project I’m working on the role of snx10 in atherosclerosis, AS is the short term of it. AS is an inflammatory disease that IS related to A lipid metabolism disorder. We found that snx10 deficiency can eliminate the progress of plaque. We also found that the lipid accumulation was reduced in snx10 knockout mice. Lysosome acid lipase (the short term is LAL) can explain the role of snx10, As we found snx10 deficiency can decrease the intercellular ph.

Speaking exercise

passage continued today

LAL activity can be regulated by ph, therefore we analysed the activation and expression of LAL. As we expected, higher activation was (found)in snx10 knockout cells, which suggested higher metabolism levels. In addition, we also found that the MRNA levels is was increased in snx10 knockout cells. So we further studyied the mechanism. TFEB is reported to regulate the expression of LAL. First, we analysed the nuclear transportation of TFEB, because TFEB is a nuclear factor. It’s nuclear transmission was inhibited by snx10 deficiency. So TFEB can maintain its regulatory activity, which results in higher expression of LAL.  In conclusion, we explained the higher LAL activity was regulated by decreased pH and increased MRNA expression, which can inhibit the plaque formation.


analysed: AH-NAH-LY-Z-D

expression: EH-X-PR-EH-SH-UN  not expiration


*pronounce E as EH not ee or ih

further: FUHR THUHR

mechanism: MEH KA NIH ZM


discovered=synonym for found