F2F Class Notes September 29th (Ben)

He didn’t even negotiate
a mortgage slave
remote = far from everything
120,000 euros
80 kilometers
fields and sheep

bill = a law project
Obama wrote a bill but Congress refused it.
Congress 国会
override = overrule
When there is a new bill, Congressmen and government representatives can vote to accept it or refuse it.
Some people have a veto. A veto means that the bill cannot pass if they refuse, even if they are in the minority.
Even if everyone agrees, the law cannot pass if one person vetoes it.
There was a bill that Obama refused and vetoed.
But Congress decided to override Obama’s veto and the bill was pushed through.
to sue 起诉
a precedent 可援用参考的具体例子
If you create a precedent, many people will follow the example.
grave = serious
implication = effect, result
grave implications = serious effects
upsides and downsides
pros and cons
legislation = a group of laws
to sponsor = to support
Football teams have many sponsors.
hijack 劫持
a national = a citizen
leave / left / left
I left him at the restaurant.
I left him with no money.
He was left with no solution.
He was left sad and unhappy.
He was left dead.
The attacks left many people dead.
cause [sthg] TO happen
This has caused problems
This has caused problems TO appear
It caused one person TO die.
hijack 劫持
The hijackers left 3,000 people dead.
raise 提, 提起
I raised my hand to raise a question.
I raise my family with hard work.
an institution = an organization
the government as an institution = all the government, the government itself, as a whole
Many hijackers were Saudi nationals, but the government as a whole wasn’t responsible.

fund / funded / funded
give money to