F2F Class Notes September 28th (Ben)

for real
in real

religion 宗教

Most people in Israel are Jewish. Israel is a Jewish state.

the US= the United States

The official language of Israel is Hebrew 希伯来语

deteriorate = to worsen, to become worse

He was already very sick, and now his condition has deteriorated.

a tribute 悼念

found = to create

He founded a company and a family.

Chairman Mao was a founder of modern China.

The Founding Fathers

Image result for founding father

I am tired, I feel tired. My brother is always doing something, he is tireless.

I am having a birthday party tonight. Many people will be present.

Shimon Peres was present at the birth of the nation in 1948.

an accord = an agreement, a treaty 条约, 协议

legacy = inheritance 遗产

Shimon Peres, by dying, left a legacy of peace and better relationships with other countries.

intense = big, stressful, exciting

intensive = that needs a lot of work

intensive care 特别护理

The football game was very intense, many people were shouting and screaming. My work is very intensive, I am in the office ten hours a day.

The pain was so intense that I had to get intensive care.

ICU = intensive care unit

a cemetery = 坟墓, 墓地,公墓

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a giant 巨人

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a giant phone

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