F2F Class Notes September 18th (Ben)

team leader
on site = at the customer’s place
There was a rule.
A family could have one child only.
If you wanted two children, you had to pay a fine to the government.
The government has changed the rule. Now, one family can have two children.
a child
2 children
The application was made by Chinese people. It shows.
It shows = You can see/feel it.
write / wrote / (have) written
wrote = 时间明确: this morning, yesterday, last week, 2 months ago, when I was a child, last time I went to Beijing
written = 时间不明确: already 已经, before, never, not yet, until now, so far, always
I have already been to Beijing.
I have already done my homework.
grow / grew / grown
I grew up in Shanghai. -> time is clear (when I was a child)
I have always been in Shanghai. -> time is unclear (always)
ready 准备好了
already 已经
Your car is (already) ready.
————- ready (already).
I didn’t remember correctly.
type 输入