F2F Class Notes September 16th (Ben)

It’s the mid-Autumn Festival.
I got up really early.
The afternoon rest time was really short.
It takes a long time to go there by bus.
It takes A to B
It takes [1 hour] to [go to Suzhou]
It takes [2 hours] to [go from SH to BJ]
It takes [many people] to [build a house]
It takes [time] to [learn English]
宿舍 dorm
It takes 1 hour to go from the dorm to school.
My school is inside SUES (Shanghai University of Engineering and Science)
a test
a result
to practice 练习,复习
blue-collar =/= white-collar
Image result for blue collar
What do

Image result for white collar

What do you think ?
What do you think about him?
He is in style / out of style.
Blue-collar workers are out of style but white-collar workers are in style.
cuff + cuff links
Image result for cuff link
tailored 定做的       (tay-lurd) =/= ready-made
a suit 西装 = suit pants 裤子 + blazer 西装外套
Image result for suit blazer
a tailor
Image result for tailor
tailored = tailor-made = 定做的   =/=   ready-made
Image result for tailor made