F2F Class Notes September 11th (Ben)

***I just woke up
*** I slept from 4 pm.
That’s the risk
I have late hours
I’ve heard it’s not good for health
I’ve heard 我听说
I used to –> 或者好多次,或者长时间
I used to live in Russia
I used to work in an office, but now I’m a teacher
When I was a child, I used to get up at 7, but now I get up at 10
eat / ate / eaten
I ate –> time is clear: this morning, yesterday, 2 years ago, when I was a child
I have eaten –> time is unclear: already, before, never, so far, until now
I used to –> 或者好多次,或者长时间
I have lived in Russia –> before
I lived in Russia –> 2 years ago
I used to live in Russia –> before / 2 years ago
used to 会强调 好多次或长时间
I used to …… but now, ….
I used to play football when I graduated but now I don’t play it anymore
**now I didn’t –> now I don’t
I used to do
I used to play the piano everyday, but now I don’t anymore
I used to like it
one child, two children.
I want one child but my girlfriend wants two children.
*** He teach -> He teaches
The author uses a very familiar way of speaking 非规定的,口语的
tracks 足迹
cover up = 掩盖,掩饰
cover up your tracks = 掩盖足迹
The suspect said that he was not in town on the day of the murder, but I think it’s a cover up.
a screw 螺丝
loose =/= tight
loose = 未固定的
If you have a screw loose, you act a bit strange.
He has a screw loose = he is a bit crazy
assign 指定, 指派
I assigned a lawyer to help me
There were many lawyers available, but I assigned the cheapest one
We were assigned – 我们被指派,被指定
The passive voice
被动: 主语 [be] 过去分词
I eat an apple –> The apple is eaten
The cat ate the mouse –> The mouse was eaten (by the cat)

If the action is QUICK or SAD, you can also use [GET] instead of [BE]

The mouse got eaten by the cat
I got hit by a car
I got given a new book
10,000 people got killed by the earthquake
We got assigned to groups
Tell me right out = Tell me directly 直接的, 开门见山地
gifted = talented, high-level, smart
figure out = 想出,了解
right away = at once = 立刻
hand out = 发放
They don’t tell you right out if you are in the gifted group or the easy group, but you can figure out at once by looking at the books they hand out.