F2F Class Notes (Samara)[S]


Look up N’Sync the old American boy band. Justin Timberlake was a member, many people still like their music. What style of music is it?

Speaking exercise

Let’s talk about music today. To be honest, I think that I have not good taste in music. Not only I’m not too clear about the difference between the various musical styles, but also I’m tone-deaf . However, I still like listening to music. Today, I would like to introduce a band who comes from Iceland for you. The famous band named Sigur Ros(Sigur Rose ) is a post-rocking band. When I first heard one of their songs, which named All Alright, I was shocked. How cloud its melody as same as what I was thinking. Maybe I seemed a little bit drama, but I already thought the band was my favorite at that time. It was like it was meant to be. (ok, it sounds drama again ) I have to say that the voice of the lead singer is ethereal and clean. I also found a great and creative photographer because of the cover of this song. There are four naked young people were running in the open field with a bright summer in the cover. It’s full of active and youthful.
After that, I picked some songs of their and added them into my favorite song list. Then, I found that one of their songs turned out to be an episode of the bloody wedding which is the most famous episode of the game of power by chance. And also, I heard an episode when I was watching the film named Aquaman,it also is their song. That make me more love the band. It seems that my taste is not too bad.

Let’s talk about music today. To be honest, I think that I don’t have  good taste in music. Not only am I unclear about the differences between the various musical styles, but also I’m tone-deaf . However, I still like listening to music. Today, I would like to introduce a band who comes from Iceland to you. The famous band named Sigur Ros (Sigur Rose) is a post-rocking band. When I first heard one of their songs, which is named All Alright, I was shocked. How could its melody and I be so in sync? Maybe it sounds a little bit dramatic, but I already thought the band was my favorite at that time. It was like it was meant to be. (ok, it sounds dramatic again ) I have to say that the voice of the lead singer is ethereal and clean. I also found a great and creative photographer because of the cover of this album. There are four naked young people were running in a bright open summer field. It’s full of youthful energy.
After that, I picked some songs of theirs and added them into my favorite song list. Then, I found that one of their songs turned out to be in an episode of the Bloody Wedding which is the most famous episode of The Game of Thrones. And also, I heard it when I was watching the film named Aquaman, it also is their song. That made me more in love with the band. It seems that my taste is not too bad.


for: connective word.
“it’s too difficult for me”
” I work just for a living”
to: connective word
“I brought a gift to my friend”
“I sent a message to you”
Quotation marks : “….”
Album: A list of songs
Youthful Activity:
Phrase: A few words that people say often or many times.
“you can try”
“give it a try”
sync: To become one