F2F Class Notes (Raph)[W]
Leftover (n): 1- A leftover part of something is the part that has not been used or eaten when the other parts have been:
E.g.:Â I ate some leftover chicken from last night’s meal
E.g.:I had some leftover work, so I had to work overtime.
Rejoice (v): 1-Â to feel or show great happiness about something.
E.g.:Â Everyone rejoiced at the news of his safe return.
E.g.:Â She rejoiced in her good fortune.
Means (n): 1-Â a method or way of doing something:
E.g.:Â They had no means of communication.
E.g.:Â We need to find some other means of transportation.
Writing exercise
There are many men‘s shampoo products on the market, combined with the product attributes of Alpecin, we selected several competing brand products, and analyzed the market launch in 2017, 1-7 months.
XXX based product attributes are analyzed for a 25-45 year old male population.
Target population has a healthy standard of living, strict demands on the quality of their children’s life, and have a certain dependence on the Internet.
As long as the quality is good and the price is expensive, I will buy for my children.
I can read the financial pages in the newspaper.
The information and services on the radio are very practical.
I often make use of the Internet to make shopping plans
I often communicate with users via social media (such as weibo / forum)
From this year’s cost, P& G- Head and Shoulders, and PANTENE’s advertising spending has been rejoice in the lead position.
From the total cost of all brands, television media accounted for more than 92% of the total spending, the traditional media is still the establishment of shampoo brand influence the main mode of communication.
In the traditional media, the form of advertising of each brand product is relatively single, but television is also one of the most effective ways to build brand influence.
In the network media, the form of advertisement is various and complex. Contact the most effective people by selecting good ways.
Competitors products list.
Comparison with competitor.
There are many men‘s shampoo products on the market. We have selected several of Alpecin’s competing brands, and analyzed the market between January and July, 2017.
XXX’s target-market are 25-45 year old men.
The target-market has a healthy lifestyle, strict demands on their children’s quality of life, and a certain dependence on the Internet.
As long as the product is is expensive and the quality is good, I will buy it for my children.
I can read the financial pages in the newspaper.
The information and services on the radio are very practical.
I often make use of the Internet to make shopping plans
I often communicate via social media (such as Weibo / internet forums)
Advertising has been the main cost for P&G’s Head and Shoulders, and PANTENE.
From the total cost of all brands, television media accounted for more than 92% of the total spending. The traditional media is still the main mode of communication for increasing brand influence in the shampoo sector.
The traditional media, Â is not the only way to increase exposure, but television is still one of the most effective ways to build brand influence.
In the online medias there are different forms of advertisement, and they are various and complex. Reaching your target-market depends on selecting the most effective means of communication.
Competitors’ product list.
Comparison with the competitor / competitors.
This meaning is…Â – This means….
I want to edited my homework. – I want to edit my homework.
Practical: /ˈpræk.tɪ.kəl/
Establishment:  /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ.mənt/
Various: /ˈver.i.əs/
Complex: /ˈkÉ‘Ëm.pleks/
Forum: /ˈfÉ”Ër.É™m/
Describe: /dɪˈskraɪb/
Analyze: /ˈæn.əl.aɪz/
Financial: /faɪˈnæn.ʃəl/
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