F2F Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Detect (v): 1- to notice something that is partly hidden or not clear, or to discover something, especially using a special method.
E.g.: Some sounds cannot be detected by the human ear.
E.g.: Financial experts have detected signs that the economy is beginning to improve.

Undetectable (adj): 1- not able to be detected.
E.g.: People say HIV viral load is “undetectable” when the levels of virus in the blood stream are so low that they can’t be measured.

Dormant (adj): 1- Something that is dormant is not active or growing but has the ability to be active at a later time.
E.g.: The long-dormant volcano has recently shown signs of erupting.
E.g.: These investments have remained dormant for several years.

Offensive (adj): 1- causing someone to be upset or to have hurt feelings.
E.g.: He made some offensive comments about her family.
E.g.: Sexist jokes are offensive and not funny.

Offend (v): 1- to make someone upset or angry.
E.g.: I think she was offended that she hadn’t been invited to the party.
E.g.:He looked offended when you called him middle-aged.

Speaking exercise


For me my new job is a new career, because I got a new position, which is higher than my previous one. So I plan to work hard for two or three years and during these days I may learn a lot of things which I haven’t met before. And I think I can also get a lot of new knowledge on my industry and a lot of communication skill between my coworkers, so I think after two or three years I may find another good position with a higher salary. This is my five years plan.


For me, my new job is a good step forward in my career, because I got a new position, which is higher than my previous one. So I plan to work hard for two or three years, get familiar with a lot of situations I haven’t experienced before, and get a lot of knowledge about my industry. I think interacting with my coworkers will also be good for my communication skills. I think after those two or three years, I may find another good position, with a higher salary. This is my five-year plan.


I don’t have many money. – I don’t have a lot / much money.

I don’t don’t want to talk. – It’s not that I don’t want to talk.


Dormant: /ˈdɔːr.mənt/

Undetectable: /ʌn.dɪˈtek·tə·bəl/