F2F Class Notes (Raph)[R]


On the go: 1- very busy. 2- in the process of being produced.
E.g.: I’ve been on the go all day, and I’m really tired.
​Did you know that she’s got a new book on the go (= being written)?

Arm (v): 1- to provide yourself or others with a weapon or weapons:
E.g.: Nobody knows who is arming the terrorists.

Terrorism (n): 1- (threats of) violent action for political purposes:
E.g.: Governments must cooperate if they want to fight international terrorism.

Remains (n): 1-  someone’s dead body or the remaining parts of it. 2- pieces or parts of something that continue to exist when most of it has been used, destroyed, or taken away.
E.g.: 50 years after he died, his remains were returned to his homeland.
E.g.: The remains of lunch were still on the table.

Evolve (v): 1- to develop slowly over a period of time.
E.g.: Did humans evolve from apes?

Evolution (n): 1- the way in which living things change and develop over millions of years. 2- a gradual process of change and development.
E.g.: Darwin created the theory of evolution
E.g.: The professor is studying the evolution of language

Gradually (adv): 1- slowly over a period of time or a distance (adj: Gradual)
E.g.: Gradually, she realized that he wasn’t telling her the truth.
E.g.: There has been a gradual improvement in our sales figures over the last two years.

Ape (n): 1- 类人猿

Saudi Arabia (n): 1- 沙特阿拉伯

Morocco: 摩洛哥


Low mountains. – Hills


Mechanic: /məˈkæn.ɪk/

Patent: /ˈpæt.ənt/


Oldest Human Found
(Source: www.newsinlevels.com/products/oldest-humans-found-level-2/)

People discovered the earliest human remains in Morocco. They are around 300,000 years old, which means that they are 100,000 years older than previous discoveries. However, people may find even older remains.

The remains show how people evolved. The humans looked very similar to people today. Their brains were as big as ours, but they had a different shape. Some parts of the brains were not as developed.

These people maybe lived in caves and hunted animals.