F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Equate (v): 1- to consider one thing to be the same as or equal to another thing.
E.g.: He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.

How come?: 1- used to ask how or why something has happened.
E.g.: So how come you missed the train?
E.g.: “We had to stop in Birmingham.” “How come?”

Master’s Degree (m): 1- 硕士



I wanted become a doctor when I was young I love medicine, I loved biology very much, but I’m afraid to see blood and that’s the most I was attracted by Chinese medicine. It is a magic for me. It has a lot of mystery for me. But when I went that university, we had to learn both Western medicine and Chinese medicine. I can’t accept it the Western one, so I quit it and I just finish my study and got my degree, but not became a doctor. I did a great work on society investigation when I was in university, so when I came out I finish my degree and looked for job, I chose becoming a consultant and maybe I’m doing well now, but actually I’m not happy. I’m still reading something related Chinese medicine because I love it all the time.


When I was young I loved medicine and biology very much and I wanted to become a doctor. I was attracted by Chinese medicine, because it seems very mysterious and almost like magic to me. The problem is that I’m afraid of seeing blood and when I went to university, we had to learn both Western and Chinese medicine. I couldn’t accept the Western one, so I quit it just after I finished my bachelor’s studies, and didn’t become a doctor. When I was in university I did a lot of social research, so when I started looking for a job after finishing my degree, I chose to become a consultant. You might say I’m doing well now, but actually I’m not happy. I still read a lot of things related to Chinese medicine because I still love it.


I’m become not brave as before. – I’m becoming less and less brave.

He’s gonna go the Great Wall. – He’s gonna go to the Great Wall.


Sweet:  /swiːt/

Sweat: /swet/

Shine: /ʃaɪn/

Cambridge Dictionary:
