F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Etiquette (n): 1- the set of rules or customs that control accepted behavior in particular social groups or social situations.
E.g.: Social etiquette dictates that men cannot sit while women are standing.

Antique (n): 1- something made in an earlier period that is collected and considered to have value because it is beautiful, rare, old, or of high quality.
E.g.: You can’t give away Granny’s old bookcase – it’s a valuable antique.

Melodic (adj): 1- very pleasant to listen to.
E.g.: Portuguese is a very melodic language.

Bulldoze (v): 1- to force someone to do something, although they might not want to.
E.g.: She bulldozed her daughter into buying a new dress.

Imputation (n): 1- a suggestion that someone is guilty of something or has a particular bad quality.
E.g.: His father’s imputations that he was being dishonest made him very angry.

Parsimony (n): 1- unwillingness to spend money or to give things to people.
E.g.: There is no excuse for such corporate parsimony over staff salaries.

Cheeky (adj): 1- slightly rude or showing no respect, but often in a funny way. 2- used to describe something that you eat, drink, or do, especially when this is done quickly, without planning, or when you should not really do it.
E.g.: She’s got such a cheeky grin.
E.g.: We just went outside for a cheeky cigarette.

Descriptive (adj): 1- describing something, especially in a detailed, interesting way.
E.g.: This is a very descriptive book.


(Otiginal – Edited)

I think he’s a extroverted people. – I think he’s an extroverted person. 


Tenant: /ˈten.ənt/

Salesperson: /ˈseɪlzˌpɝː.sən/

Show: /ʃoʊ/

Shoe: /ʃuː/