F2F Class Notes (Phoebe)


Write a 4-5 sentence email to the QA about a case found professional customers.


she need to take the vaccine

she needs to have the vaccination.

I need to pay more attention on her

I need to pay more attention to her.

in the work

at work

because of the food safety laws

according to the food safety laws

We will face a fine with 50000 yuan.

We will face a fine of 50000 yuan.

Please help me with this document (a bit informal)

Could you provide me with this document/Would it be possible for you to send me…

In more serious and urgent situation: I need you to provide me/send me the…

Regards/Sincerely/Yours sincerely/Kind regards/Best regards 问候,祝好

Be careful with past tense. 


recommend (v.): suggest(v.) recommendation (n.) 

I recommend the coffee for you because it tastes good.

My recommendation is this type of coffee.

automatic (adj.) automatically (adv.)

The coffee machine is automatic.

The coffee machine makes black coffee automatically.

the most smart

the smartest 

transfer Chinese to English

translate Chinese to English

expiry food  expiry (n.) food expiry

expired food (expired is adj.)

They reported a case about food expiry.  The licence can be renewed on expiry.

They reported a case on expired food.

purchasing specialist/buyer 采购