F2F Class Notes (Peter)


Original – edited

Both outlook and personality are different – both our appearance and personalities are different

Fraternal – adjective; kind of twins that are not identical

Ex. Fraternal twins usually look nothing alike.

Jet Skinoun; like a water motorcycle

            Ex. Using jet skis can be dangerous if there are high waves.

Mercury – noun; a heavy liquid metal that is harmful to humans

Ex. It is said the Qin Shi Huang has rivers of mercury in his tomb.

Food Chain noun; the chain that shows what animals eat what

Ex. Fish higher up on the ocean’s food chain have higher mercury content.

Bait noun; a small amount of food put on the end of a hook to trap a fish, something used to tempt and catch someone

Ex. Near the beach, there are many shops that sell bait to fishermen.

Tadpolenoun; a baby frog in its fish-like state

Ex. Tadpoles do not have legs.