F2F Class Notes (Peter)


Shin – noun, the bone on the front of the lower leg

Ex. Soccer players usually wear shin guards to protect against being kicked.

Ex. Shin splints usually cause pain after jumping or running too much.

Jump rope – noun, a rope with handles on both ends used as a toy or for exercising

Ex. I often use a jump rope in the gym to build up a sweat.

In traditional imagination, boy should be tall – traditionally, men should be tall

Indigenous – noun, the original people of a land

Ex. Bolivia has one of the largest indigenous populations in South America.

Cognate – noun, a word in a foreign language that has the same appearance and meaning as a word in your language

Ex. Some French words are cognates with English, such as toilettes and toilet.


They want me to be more tall – they want me to be taller

There are little people speak French – few people speak French

That is my second year in university – that was my second year in university

I become exchange student – I became an exchange students