F2F Class Notes (Online) 6 Mar (Trista)

A hunter called me in the week

A head hunter called me this week

I’m 28 years old and in twenty oh nine I graduated from SH medical college…

Two thousand nine 2009

I have worked at a chemical analyst for about one year


Then I come to SH

Then I came to SH

It may be my personality which is cautious and suitable for the position.

Careful and detail-oriented

Sometimes I have trouble with direction

Sometimes I have trouble with directions

I may lost my way

I may lose my way

I may get lost

Whats attract me to this field is…

What really interests me about this field is….

I have worked in this field over five years old

I have worked in this field for over five years

Suggested me

Recommended me

I will try my best to promote to the position of senior.

I always work very hard at my current position so that I can hopefully achieve a promotion in the future. My goal is to work in a management or senior position in this field.