F2F Class Notes (Olivia)







use of –

make use of (fixed phrase) – utilize/use interchangeable sometimes.

eg. We should make good use of the money = we should better spend the money

make sure you make good use of something/  be efficient/ effective with (resource)

make good use of the environmental resources, before it’s too late (climate change)

formal setting – office setting (1. setting- environment, 2. formal(serious) >< casual)

work attire: casual/semi-formal (jeans+tie+shirt)

utilize: describe something bigger/grand/concept: time, energy, strengthen, resources, power

use: smaller concepts: pen, tissue, phone, laptop

Work email:

Ours is testing our changes so that we can stop using the transformation – that is holding up retiring CTRR –  we are testing those tasks now to be able to turn off our processes that use it.

hold up: making something go slower/put a stop to something quickly

hold on: continue, keep up, don’t give up

retire/ retirement

1: stop working and get pension (monthly payment)

2: different sense of reiterate, upgrading versions. 

retire – action  I’m going to retire soon

retiring – repeating  I’m going to retiring 

retiring CTRR: technical term, IT terminology

Ours is testing our changes so that we can stop using the transformation – that is holding up retiring CTRR

so that we can stop using the transformation, because the transformation is making the CTRR retire slowly.

read out loud is the key!!!!