F2F Class Notes (Olivia)


highlight – the happy moment you want to remember, eg. going to my friend’s birthday was the highlight of my week.

procrastinate verb, procrastination n.

Eg.  Fiona always finishes her homework on time, she never procrastinate.

occupation n, = job

waitress, waiter, teacher, doctor, nurse, fireman, policeman, postman,


Describe each of the occupations below:

Doctor: is a person who treats sick people= patients

Hairdresser: is a person who cuts people’s hair, or style people’s hair

Astronaut: is a person who travels outside of earth, on a spaceship

painter: is a person who paints or draws.

Photographer:is a person who takes some photos with cameras.

singer: is a person who sings songs with a microphone.

Firefighter: is a person who puts out fires and saves people’s lives.

waiter: is a person who serves customers with their orders.

farmer: is a person who take care of herd of animals and plants

cook/ chef: a person who cooks delicious or great meals for customers.

teacher: a person who teaches children and pass on knowledge.

carpenter: a person who fixes broken things, like floors, or tables.

dancer: a person who dances on the stage

secretary: who helps with the paperworks.

magician: a person who performs magic


Taxi driver



