F2F Class Notes October 27th (Ben)


few 少 =/= many 多

Very few Chinese people have a beard like yours.

Optical systems have many mechanical parts, convex and concave lenses.

凹凸 concave and convex

A concave lens diverges light, whereas a convex lens converges it.

Image result for Convex-Concave Together

戴眼镜 to wear glasses

Young people usually wear concave glasses.

owner = someone who owns something 拥有者

I am the owner of a BMW.

prototype 原型

The optical systems we work on are prototypes.

test 测试

I tested an optical system today.

We test lenses for problems.

lucky 幸运

Today was a lucky day. I solved all problems fast.

a lab 实验室

We assemble the optical system to test it in the lab and find problems in the lenses.

a lab coat 实验服

We need to wear a lab coat when we are in the lab.

the air con 空调

Sometimes it’s hot and we need to turn on/off the air con.

防止 avoid = protect against

We wear lab coats to avoid dust.

We wear lab coats to protect against dust.