F2F Class Notes October 23rd (Ben)

a blind date = when friends connect a man and a woman together

You are setting up a blind date.

(有时由第三方安排的)男女初次约会a meeting between two people who have not met each other before. The meeting is sometimes organized by their friends because they want them to develop a romantic relationship.

The man is one of my best friends.

personal information 个人信息

If they get along with each other, they exchange personal information.

go on with = continue

If they don’t get along, we just move on and go on with the dinner.

serve (food)

You can show interest in a woman by serving her food.

You can help them feel good by creating a welcoming environment.

mature 成熟

Many women like mature men.

a wingman 僚机

A wingman’s job is to help you connect with a girl you like.

an excuse 借口

When you are finally talking with the girl you like, your wingman will find an excuse to walk away.

nitpick = try to find a problem, no matter how small 吹毛求疵

That girl is beautiful, don’t start nitpicking.