F2F Class Notes October 18th (Ben)

I used to live there before.

16 euros are about 140 RMB.

The price gap is between the city center and the countryside.

to leak 泄露

WikiLeaks has leaked many private messages and cables.

I read a few cables, but I was out of my element, I didn’t understand anything.

I am in my element when fixing a PC.

asylum 皮护权

Assange was granted asylum by Ecuador.

to grant = to give, 准予

His behaviour didn’t harm the people. It only harmed the government.

expose 暴露

He told the truth, he exposed the truth.

I think it’s good we have whistle-blowers to warn us of danger but that doesn’t give him the right to expose everything about everyone. This is too extreme. 极端的 Sometimes, it could even be counter-productive. It’s like adding fuel to the fire. 抱薪救火

productive 有效益的

It takes my colleague 10 minutes to book a table for a customer. He is not very productive = efficient.

counter = 抗,反,逆

reserve = book

On a Saturday night, you need to book / reserve a table in a restaurant. You need to have a reservation / a booking.