F2F Class Notes October 15th (Ben)

There are 2 kinds of tumours: benign 良性 and malignant 恶性

One is enough.

She will have a wedding at the end of the month.

At a wedding, there is a bride and a groom.

When the groom gets the bride’s home, her friends will play tricks on him, like having him do 100 push-ups in 1 minute.


If the groom fails, his best man can assist him.

The groom has one best man, but the bride can have many bridesmaids that are lead by the maid of honour.

The maid of honour is often the bride’s older sister.

Image result for maid of honour bridesmaids

A bride with her 5 bridesmaids and her maid of honour

An envelope is something you can put a letter in.

A phone is something you can use to call someone.

“I’m looking for a word. This thing is something you can put a letter or money in.”

I don’t envy her.

A Chinese saying goes that things that belong to you will always do and that nobody can take them away from you.

The iPhone wasn’t destined for him.

destiny = fate = 缘分