F2F Class Notes October 15th (Ben)

When there’s a problem, they know who they can count on to save the day.

a Freudian slip

We are doing everything possible / We are moving heaven and earth 


Smartphone lifestyle

Smartphone is already a part of your body! If you think this saying is an alarmism,think about the below questions.

Is the last thing you do everyday before falling asleep playing on your smartphone?
Do you bring your smartphone when you go to the toilet?
Is asking for the password of the wifi the first thing do when you head into a restaurant or a café ?
Does it drive you crazy if your smartphone is power off or can’t get online ?

I do agree that smartphones bring a lot of conveniences to our daily lives. We can buy stuff wherever we want from online shopping malls.We can check our emails whenever we’d like to. We can find the best restaurants nearby and get a list of the most popular dishes there. We don’t even need to take cash when we go out as long as we have down loaded Alipay or Wechat to our phones.

However, sometimes I still miss the past when the phones were not so smart. At least,back then,when people were having a dinner party, they talked to each other instead of staring at their smartphones.


Smartphone lifestyle

Smartphones are already a part of your body! If you think this saying is alarming, think about the questions below.

Is playing on your smartphone the last thing you do everyday before falling asleep ?
Do you bring your smartphone with you when you go to the restroom?/use the toilet?
Is asking for the password of the wifi the first thing do when you head into a restaurant or a café ?

Does it drive you crazy if your smartphone is powered off or can’t get online ?

I do agree that smartphones make our everyday life more convenient. We can buy stuff wherever we want from online shopping malls. We can check our emails whenever we feel like it. We can find the best restaurants nearby and get a list of the most popular dishes there. We don’t even need to take cash when we go out as long as we have downloaded Alipay or Wechat to our phones.

However, sometimes I still miss the past when the phones were not so smart. At least, back then, when people were having a dinner party, they talked to each other instead of staring at their smartphones.

I don’t like it when I have dinner with my friends and they are playing on their smartphones. This leaves me nothing to do and I end up doing the same.

want = feel like

I feel like going out.

end up doing

a rite, a tradition

  1. move heaven and earth = try hard
  2. kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟
  3. fly off the handle = to become crazy, mad, angry
  4. at the drop of a hat = for a very small reason, very fast
  5. save the day

It is a fact that young men are more romantic than young women. Young men fall in love at the drop of a hat.

I haven’t made up my mind yet.

As we grew older, I became more romantic and he became less so.

(here, ‘so’ replaces ‘romantic’)

In many a man‘s opinion, romance is necessary to chase a girl but it quickly becomes old-fashioned once she becomes his wife.

In many men‘s opinion, romance is necessary to chase girls but it becomes the last thing they care about once they are married.

many a man = many men

after = once

After a couple gets married, routine ends up settling in.