F2F Class Notes October 14th (Ben)

an angina 咽峡炎

viral = from a virus 病毒性的
bacterial = from a bacteria 细菌性的

vitamins 维他命
painkillers 止痛药

That sucks. It sucks.
dare 敢= have the courage to do sthg
This girl is beautiful, but I don’t dare to speak to her.

dare (to) do

Don’t you dare do that!


If someone scares you, then you are scared.
I am really scared of spiders.

I think spiders are scary, they scare me.

Some snakes are poisonous, they are scary.

Pollution 污染

You must be hungry = now
You must have been hungry = 2 days ago

I don’t have fixed times for dinner.

Some people have no fixed times at all: those who work at night or flight attendants.

a shift
Some businesses are open 24 hours a day and have 3 shifts of 8 hours.

day shift
night shift = graveyard shift

work the graveyard shift = 12pm – 8 am

a low-skilled job

Most students have no part-time job experience.


I don’t like to be a flight attendant= I am a flight attendant and my job is boring

I wouldn’t like to be a flight attendant = I am not a flight attendant and I will never be one.