F2F Class Notes November 1st (Ben)


carve a pumpkin

a legend 传说

a multiple-choice question


coax 哄劝;劝诱

Long long ago, there was a boy named Jack. One day, he coaxed Satan up a tree and made sure he couldn’t come back down by carving a cross on the tree.

Jack didn’t want to go to Hell after dying so he made a deal with Satan: he would help him (get) down the tree and in return, Satan wouldn’t take him to hell.

However, when he died, he didn’t go to Heaven either and he started wandering in limbo.

In order to walk in the dark easier, Jack made a lantern out of a turnip. A long time passed. The Irish discovered pumpkins were easier to carve. Now, at each Halloween, we carve pumpkins, make them hollow and make a fire inside of them to keep dead people away.


I like cherries too.

I don’t like cherries either.

drink / drank / drunk

He drank and got drunk again.




Image result for satan

hell / here