F2F Class Notes November 17th (Ben)

an attorney = a lawyer

tax evasion = evading taxes means not paying them

tamper = interfere

witness tampering = threatening a witness

try = 审判

Mr Jared Kushner’s father was tried by Mr Christie for tax evasion and witness tampering. This is probably why Mr Christie now got sacked.

according to 据说

According to me, this is a good idea.

According to the New York Times, there was an explosion in Washington this morning.

a protege = someone protected by someone else

Don’t make this boy angry, he is the protege of the teacher !

a glitch = a small technical problem

Is the computer broken? No, it’s just a glitch.

tip = to estimate someone will win

Mr Giuliani is tipped for the position. (=people guess he will probably win)

a turmoil = state of confusion

Syria is at war and in turmoil.

contrary = opposite

Big is the contrary of small.

Contrary to what you expected, it didn’t rain today.

Trump won the election, contrary to expectations.

If you always do the contrary of what you are expected to do, you will eventually get sacked.

get through = make a successful phone call

I tried calling him many times but nobody picked up the phone and I couldn’t get through (to him)

I called and called but I always spoke to his secretary and I couldn’t get through to him.

inaugurate 举行就职典礼

Mr Trump should be inaugurated as President in January.

due to = expected to

If you want money, you are due to work seriously and be on time.

My wife is pregnant. Oh, when is the baby due? It’s due in 3 months.

