F2F Class Notes November 15th (Ben)


quit / quit / quit

I used to work in a Korean company but I quit.

scared of = afraid of

I used to work with clothes and I am a bit scared of other products.

I was scared of quitting the company.

Why weren’t you scared of quitting the company?

do action=”corrections”/]

America is the most market –> the biggest market

go up/down

The price has gone up/down

a refund

Sometimes, the customer is not satisfied and he claims a replacement or a refund.

People in the military know no unemployment. They have excellent job security. I wish I could also find a job easily after being unemployed. This way, I could quit my job without being scared and I could be very independent.

But it’s not going to be easy. In America, our biggest market, the prices keep going down and companies’ profits also go down, especially when customers claim refunds.

If you have any recommendation, please tell me !

In the future, I plan to go back to Zhejiang, the air there is very pure and we don’t need any air purifier. I think Chinese people should celebrate having a good life with pure air, military security and nuclear weapons.