F2F Class Notes November 10th (Ben)
empty-handed = with empty hands
You can’t come to a friend’s party empty-handed. It’s rude.
a colony 殖民地 = land controlled by another country
My island used to be a British colony but now we’re independent.
take office = 上任 start work as a boss
What will happen when Trump takes office?
rhetoric = empty words
Unless you have a solid plan, “Let’s make America great again” is just rhetoric and an empty promise.
evasive = that evades the question
When asked what to do about nuclear weapons talks, Trump was very evasive.
an ideology = a group of ideas
The Communist Party still runs the country but its ideology is long gone (逝者已矣)
We discussed the election (no “for”)
Trump was elected to be President –> was elected President
The people elected Trump as their president.
politics = PO – lidics
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