F2F Class Notes (Nick) [S]


IF all the Ricks were the same, and left their worlds at the same time, then no one else in the world would notice that they had gone anywhere. So how would the Ricks learn to live in a different space-time where no one knows that they are different?

Could this be the episode where Rick and Morty break their own space-time and move to a new one? Which one of these episodes makes more sense? (Or, just tell me about this episode.)

Next Class Focus

Correct the speaking below.


Pepper – 辣椒,青椒, and things like this

Flavor – what something tastes like 味道
e.g. I don’t like the flavor of wasabi, and I don’t like the way it burns.

Mustard – a sauce made from seeds that can be yellow, brown, or grey, and is usually sweet, though it can also be made spicy
See the source image
Wasabi – a type of sauce that is spicy, but not like peppers (it goes up your nose)
e.g. When I ordered a sandwich with 芥末, I thought I would get mustard, but instead I was surprised to receive wasabi.

Whim – a decision you make without thinking too much and which can be easily changed
e.g. We were walking outside, and on a whim we decided to walk to the park and then have lunch in a restaurant nearby.

主角 – protagonist, hero – the main character in a story, usually the person we see the most often and who we hope wins
— Protagonist is more the main character, the person we see the most or the character who tells us the story.
— Hero is someone who saves the other characters in the story.

Practical – something useful; an explanation that doesn’t focus on thoughts or philosophy, but on the reasons that people usually think about
e.g. The reason that one Rick developed a time machine first is not because he is a different Rick, but because he is the protagonist of the show. So, it only makes sense to write the episode in this way.

Make sense – if you can understand something; if it is logical

Speaking exercise

At first just one Rick, and this Rick go to another space-time and find another Rick, and the two Ricks went to another space-time and find another Rick and go on. They found a lot of Ricks. They make up a king. But why he is first Rick to find another space-time? Actually, all of the Rick’s should find another space-time at the same time.

[So, maybe the question is what makes all the Ricks the same in the first place? At least one of the Ricks was not the same as the others.]

[If the Ricks were the same, then they all would have gone to another space-time at the exact same moment. So then, they all would have left and arrived in the new space-time at the same time. So then, they all would have felt that they went nowhere, because they are now the only Rick in a new space-time that is actually the same.]


Mustard – mus – terd
Master – mass – ter