F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Pick one of the last two to write about.


Dance Hall / Nightclub – both refer to a place you go to at night to dance, but “dance hall” is much older than “nightclub,” and they imply different types of music
e.g. We went to the dance hall to hear some swing music and dance.
e.g. We went to a nightclub and drank and danced.

Secretary of State / Minister of State / Minister of Foreign Affairs – the person in charge of diplomacy and international relations in a government

Chemistry vs. Chemicals – study vs. substance

Nostalgia – when you think of how great things were in the past, or when you miss something specific from the past; a longing for the past
e.g. When I thought of the old theater, I was hit with terrible nostalgia.

Leisurely – slowly, calmly, when time moves slowly
e.g. We walked along leisurely, enjoying looking around.
e.g. Do it at your leisure (when it is convenient for you; no rush)

Midterms – the elections between Presidential elections; usually fewer people vote

In jeopardy – in danger
e.g. The Democrats were able to put more Republican seats in jeopardy than expected.

Mayor – the top official in the city government
e.g. Taiwan had mayoral elections.

Referendum – voting on a law, or an amendment to a law, done directly by the people (plural: referenda)


When I was leisure – When I had spare time

Always discussion with – Always discuss

What my friends most disappointed with – what my friends are most disappointed with
— This sentence needs a verb.

Still didn’t ratify it until now – Still hasn’t ratified it
— The first means that it has now been ratified.
— The means that it is still not ratified