F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)


In flux: describes a situation where everything is changing at once.

e.g. Everything in my life was in flux at the time: I was changing relationships, homes and careers.

Balance: usually used to describe equal weight given to two different sides; also can be used to describe a healthy life where one engages in physical and mental activities equally throughout the week.

e.g. I’m not a strict parents, I think it’s more important for my son to have a healthy, balanced life.

Established: literally means when was something (like a company) first opened/founded; if a company is “more established” this just means it has existed for a longer term versus a younger company like a startup.

e.g. Even though the startup had a better product, many people bought from the older, more established company because they were more comfortable with it.


Startup: focus on pronouncing each letter harshly and slowly: start-up

Culture: cull-chur

Idea: Try to eliminate the “R”. IDEE-UH not IDEE-ER


My goal as a team leader is to make each people each person perform their best.

It was awkward. I didn’t know how to [best] pass this information to him [how to have this conversation with him].

It’s a 70 years of old companyThe company is 70 years old [has a 70 year history].

It’s important for me to have a health have a healthy lifestyle.

I think with my English skills I have a big space to improvement  big space for improvement [lots of opportunity to improve].