F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)


testosterone 睾 酮 / this is the hormone in mens’ body that makes them strong.

hormone 激素/ these are the chemicals in your body

protein 蛋白 / this is contained in food and it helps build muscle and make you stronger

e.g. Mark always drinks a protein shake (drink) after his workout to build muscle.

resolutions / goals

acquired / achieved / accomplished 

e.g. I achieved my goal. I accomplished my goal.

e.g. I acquired my driver’s license. To acquire something is to “get” something.

e.g. To achieve something is to reach something.

e.g. It was your goal to acquire this special ID. You accomplished your goal by acquiring this ID.

ambitious 雄心勃勃 / this describes a person that is driven and motivated and hungry to achieve goals.

e.g. Mark is an ambitious person — he sets big goals and tries to achieve them.

small town mentality / mental = mind = thoughts

e.g. Your mentality is how you think. Some people have a “small town mentality” meaning they can’t accept new ideas because they only have small experiences from their hometown. They don’t have a big imagination.

mutual friend / a friend that connects two people

e.g. I met my wife through a mutual friend. We had a mutual friend.


if it becomes a real / if it becomes reality