F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)


nuclear bomb – 核弹
Godzilla has a hidden story about the nuclear bomb in Japan.

science fiction 科幻小说
It’s the best science fiction movie of all time in China.

indie movie / independent movie / independent film
Usually indie flicks / movies had smaller budgets and smaller productions.

“absence makes the heart grow fonder” – 底部
when you’re apart it makes you miss them more

likable – it’s easy to like you
Dee is a very likable guy because he has many great qualities!

cherry blossoms – 樱花
I love when the cherry blossoms bloom in Japan during the spring.

aesthetic – 审美
I love the Japanese aesthetic.

gaming cafes
Some people visit gaming cafes to play computer games.

they love playing games / they love [gaming]

Sometimes girls play games – they make life difficult for boys.

intense – 激烈
– 禁止
The movie was banned because the love scenes were too intense.

love scene

good or bad / both / I’m indifferent