F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


The biggest scandal of 2018 (so far) in China!


hatred (n): 1-an extremely strong feeling of dislike:
E.g.: What is very clear in these letters is Clark’s passionate hatred of his father.
E.g.: The motive for this shocking attack seems to be racial hatred.

phobia (n): 1-an extreme fear or dislike of a particular thing or situation, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained:
E.g.: I’ve got a phobia about/of worms.

-phobia (sufx): used to form words that mean an extreme and unreasonable fear or dislike:
E.g.: Xenophobia means hatred of foreigners.
E.g.: He seemed to be suffering from a case of commitment-phobia.

take the initiative-to be the first one to do something, esp. to solve a problem:
E..g: Don’t be afraid to take the initiative and say what you think.

jack-of-all-trades, master of none-saying said about someone who is able to do many things, but is not an expert in any

Yellow Journalism-, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism.

commute (v): 1-to make the same journey regularly between work and home:
E..g: It’s exhausting commuting from Shanghai to Suzhou every day.

Writing exercise

From my point of view, specializing in your first 3 years in career path, and then turning into generalizing gradually works for most non-technology focused people under changing economy environment in China.
As a fresh graduate, apart from certain skill you will get, specializing also gives more time to understand how to solve detail questions by yourself & resources you need to find out in a business situation. This could be quite different from what you learn from school – there are no books to look into, and resources could be limited & with cost.
With the skill you specialize in, & the skill to solve detail questions, it is time to open your eyes to more fields. By then, you will not be bothered by being faced with too many errands at one time. You may not know the answer to each question, but you already know who can help you, or where you can find out the answer.

From my point of view, specializing during your first 3 years on the career path, and then turning into generalizing gradually works for most non-technology focused people under changing economy environment of China.
As a fresh graduate, apart from certain skill you will get, specializing also gives you more time to understand how to solve complex problems on your own &  resources necessary  for doing it successfully . This could be quite different from what you learn in school – there are no books to look into, and resources could be limited & come with a high price tag/come at a high cost.
Once you obtain the skill you specialize in & the skill to solve complex problems, it is time for you  to open your eyes to more fields. By then, you will not be bothered by being faced with too many errands at one time. You may not know the answer to each one of the questions, but you already know who can help you, or where you can find out the right answer.