F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[W]
Writing exercise
Cynthia’s homework telling a story
Esetoday my brother ate a biscuit He say This biscuit is a hat it’s very funny because it’s a chocklit hat biscuit! and my mother Say Gime me that biscuit please. Here you are. Thank you! Look Danny it’s onrige biscuit.
Yesterday my brother ate a biscuit He said– This biscuit is a hat! it was very funny because it’s a chocolate hat biscuit! and my mother said “Give me that biscuit please”. Here you are. Thank you! Look Danny it’s an orange biscuit.
A new Dodo story!
Yesterday I woke up at 7 o’clock. The morning was beautiful and sunny. I wanted to have a breakfast, mom made eggs for me and said that after I’m done eating I can have some biscuits. Soon, my little brother woke up and he joined us in the kitchen. He was hungry too, but he didn’t want to eat eggs, he only wanted to eat biscuits. He took one biscuit, looked at it and said ” This is not a biscuit this is a hat!” It was so funny, because the biscuit really looked like a hat, and this was a chocolate hat! My mother heard us laughing and she came to us, she saw that Dodo is eating a biscuit and then she said, “Give me that biscuit, you need to have a real breakfast first!” Dodo gave her the biscuit and he was very angry. He ate an egg and after he finished eating mom gave him a biscuit, so he was happy again.
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