F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


deodorant-除臭剂- a substance that you put on your body to prevent or hide unpleasant smells

GDPgross domestic product 国内生产总值

I couldn’t believe my eyes/ears-   seeing/hearing

self promotion

viral (adj): 1-spreading or becoming popular very quickly through communication from one person to another, especially on the internet:
E.g.: viral ad/advertising In the future, he predicts, viral ads will offer even more participation.
E.g.: From viral video to text-message campaigns  futuristic marketing tools are becoming commonplace.

go viral (v)to become very popular very quickly:
E.g.: His video went viral within a day

stunt (n): 1-mainly disapproving -something that is done to get attention for the person or people responsible for it:
E.g.: an advertising stunt
E.g.: Their marriage was just a cheap publicity stunt.

they fought over a cup

“The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”
You can get better service if you complain about something. If you wait patiently, no one’s going to help you.

I was surprised  when I heard news that two man fought because of a cup. after that the Starbuck sold 3000 this kind cups online and they were sold out in one second.  I thought most of the people just wanted to get the cup to show off after the news happened and I also think that maybe that two man fought just for  self promotion. Whenever what’s the fact I think the customers should be clever don’t buy a thing just for buy a thing.

I was surprised after hearing news about two man fighting over a cup. after this article went viral Starbucks sold online 3000 of these cups and they were sold out in one second.  I thought  that most of the people just wanted to get the cup in order to show off because of the sudden popularity. I also think that maybe those two man fought just for  self promotion. Whatever the truth is  I think that the customers should be clever and not buy a thing just so they can say that they bought the thing.