F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


introduction (n):引言 beginning,  the first part of something, the start of a story
E.g.: Every story needs to have an introduction

beehive-a house for bees
E.g.: Bees live in a beehive

country (n): 1-国家
E.g.: China is a big country!


E..g: My mother would help me with my schoolwork.

messy (adj): 1-凌乱的, 凌乱的
E.g.: The house was always messy

tidy (adj)整齐的, arranged neatly and with everything in order
E.g.: a tidy desk
E.g.: She keeps her house very tidy .


I like everything to be neat and tidy

Speaking exercise

long long time ago there is a girl and a boy. They like played in school. Their names were Liya and Haoumen. They like to play , swim, and ride a seesaw, skateboard and paddling pool. They’re friends. In school they have many friends too. My story is finish

long long time ago there were a girl and a boy. They liked to play in the school. Their names were Liya and Haoumen. They liked to play , swim, and ride a seesaw and skateboard also they loved to play in a paddling pool. They’re friends. In school they have many other friends too. This is the end of my story