F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [W/R]




reprimand (v): to express to someone your strong official disapproval of them:
E.g.: She was reprimanded by her teacher for biting another girl.

tie (v) tying, tied: to fasten together two ends of a piece of string or other long, thin material, or to (cause to) hold together with a long, thin piece of string, material, etc.:
E.g.: Could you tie this piece of rope for me?
E.g.: This skirt ties at the waist.
E.g.: She tied the ribbon tightly in a bow/knot.

ribbon (n): 1- a long, narrow strip of material used to tie things together or as a decoration:
E.g.: Sandra often wears a ribbon in her hair.
E.g.: He tied up the present with ribbon.

dangle (v): 1- to hang loosely, or to hold something so that it hangs loosely:
E.g.: Loose electric wires were dangling from the wall.
E.g.: He dangled the puppet in front of the children.

criticize (v): 1- to express disapproval of someone or something:
E.g.: The government is being widely criticized in the media for failing to limit air pollution.
E.g.: We’ll get nowhere if all you can do is criticize.
2-to give an opinion or judgment about a book, film, etc.:
E.g.: We’re a group of artists who meet to discuss ideas and criticize each other’s work.

abuse (v): 1-to treat someone cruelly or violently:
E.g.: Several of the children had been sexually/physically/emotionally abused.



Writing exercise

I used to get up early, but I can’t get up early from two days ago. I used to eating lunch with friends in a Chinese restaurant.
I was rushing out of a door and running toward jingan bus station while I saw the bus was coming soon.
I used to glancing around environment when I go to new place or meet new people.
My friend got a long distance relationship before when she didn’t know her ex boyfriend was dating another girl . In my opinion, Close distance relationship is better than long distance relationship

I used to get up early, but I can’t get up early since two days ago. I used to eat my lunch together with my friends in a Chinese restaurant.
I was rushing out of a door and running toward jingan bus station when I saw that the bus was coming earlier
I’m used glancing around myself when I go to a new place or meet new people.
My friend got into a long distance relationship before she found out that her boyfriend was dating another girl . In my opinion, “Close distance relationship” is better than long distance relationship.