F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [S]


(0572)8033567-The Changqing Hotel Moganshan


domestic animal-an animal that is not wild and is kept as a pet or to produce food

pristine (adj):original and pure; not spoiled or worn from use:
E.g.: The car seemed to be in pristine condition.
E.g.: Pristine rivers of Sichuan mountains

Speaking exercise

I think that camping is good, and that we need to prepare a tent, a lot o food and water, choose a place which is nature and with less development. Then we can choose method to go there but I think a good place for camping are not always easy to arrive, the transfer is not convenient but you can see a lot of nature sight seeing and maybe you can see a lot of animals in the place you camped, those are domestic animals. when you camping you can’t use your phone or maybe you can’t use internet, that’s a good chance to close to the nature and let your brain have a rest.

I think that camping is good, before going to the nature  we need to prepare a tent, a lot o food and water, choose a place  in a pristine nature and with less development. Then we can choose method/mode of transportation to go there but I think a good camping place is not always easy to get to. Usually a transfer to these places is not convenient but you can see a lot of natural sights and maybe you can see a lot of animals-hopefully  those are domestic animals. While (you’re)  camping you can’t use your phone or maybe you can’t use the internet, that’s a good chance to be close to the nature and let your brain have/take a rest.