F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [S]

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briefly (adj): 1-using few words or without giving a lot of details:
E.g.:briefly introduce yourself

Army and Navy-陆军和海军

snorkeling (n): 浮潜,
E.g.: We went snorkeling off the coast of Key West.

scuba diving-水肺潜水, the sport of swimming underwater with special breathing equipment
E.g.: The island has no beaches, but does have fishing and scuba diving.

sailing (n): -航行, the sport or activity of using boats with sails:
E.g.: the sailing club
E.g.: He loves to go sailing.

opportunity (n)=机会, an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something:
E.g.: Everyone will have an opportunity to show what they know to do.
E.g.: I was never given the opportunity of going to college.

E.g.: My favorite subjects at school were history and geography.

PE-physical education



Speaking exercise

1-Could you please, briefly introduce yourself?

I’m Jerry, I’m 13 yo, Im a student and I like swimming, I come from China, Shanghai.

2-Why do you want to study in America?

Because study in America need not to do many homework and study in America is fun because there are more activities to do. I would like to go outside and doing sports.

Because when studying in America you’re not required need not to do many much homework and studying in America is fun because there are more activities to do. I would like to go/spend more time outside and doing sports.

3-Why do you choose our school, what do you know about us?
I choose your school because I think your school has more activities. I know about that your school have some activities on the sea like surfing, diving, sailing and I would like to learn more about that.

activities-drive  fly a plane, visit a beach, activities on the sea-surfing, sailing, diving,

4-How do you know our school?
My parents told me that your school is wonderful and one of the best schools for boys.

5-What you like best in America?
I like the Freedom and opportunities that America has to offer to the the people who are ready to study and work hard

6-What are your hobbies?
My hobbies is

My hobbies include, sports like swimming and running, reading, finding out more about other cultures.

7-What courses do you like the best?

I like history, geography, music and PE